CHANG SUNG TECH is providing customer satisfaction with high-quality systems.
CEO Message

As an ultra-high precision product with high perfection, We will maximize customer satisfaction and grow together.
The CEO of CHANG SUNG TECH has been engaged in the high-precision manufacturing business for 40 years and has developed products that are recognized in global manufacturing powerhouses.
The reason for establishing CHANGSUNG TECH in 2017 was to adapt to the changing times and lead technological innovation.
I have a passion for innovation and technology development, and through this, I want to develop CHANGSUNG TECH into a company that stands out in the global market.
We actively respond to the needs of enterprising customers in production and project management processes. Our team members are driven to continuously improve and innovate in order to be nimble in responding to the changing needs of our customers.
Our goal is always to provide satisfaction to our customers.
So, we will do our best to meet the needs of our customers while maintaining a high level of technological development and excellent product quality.
Thank you
Choi Yong-shin, CEO of CHANG SUNG TECH Inc.